



Take One


Exam 77-891 Office 365
2. Communicate by using Office 365 Outlook Web Application
2.1  Manage E-mail: Reviewing and Replying

Forward an E-mail
Reply and Reply to All sends a message back. Forward sends it on to someone else.

Here are the steps.

3. Try it: Forward a Message
Select a message in the Inbox.
Go to Mail->Inbox->Forward.
Enter a different E-mail address.

What Do You See? In the example on this page, the E-mail from Elizabeth was forwarded to Clair. The Subject line begins with "FW:" which indicates the message was forwarded.

What Else Do You See? The attachments are included when you Forward an E-mail.

Keep going...

Memo to Self: Please do NOT use the sample E-mail addresses shown in these screen shotsMail



